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Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Large Cabinet photo of Iowa hunter
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 06:37:05 am »
I have had this for years. Sold it and bought it back. It was taken by C.F. O'Keefe, Ft. Madison, Iowa. As he has his hunting dog at his feet, I think it is a hunter, not a westerner. He has a full buckskin suite, a cartridge belt and holstered Colt, and he is holding a 44-40 Winchester rifle. Quite a large western hat on his head.  Not identified.
Wild West Shows / Famous Jim Kid
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 06:21:29 am »
Albumen cabinet photograph of Jim Kid. He was a star performer for Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show in the 1880s and 1890s. He is wearing the metals he was rewarded for achievements as a  bucking horse rider. The image is signed by Kid himself and that is authenticated on the back of the mount. Photograph is by Anderson, NY. He was very famous in his venue and time.
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Denver Buckskin hunter
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 04:26:40 pm »
Seems like all men wore buckskin outfits in these days. I am not surprised, if they could afford them, why not? This is a Rare Denver, Colorado cabinet photograph. Colorado photographs per se are Not rare but ones like this are. He has a matching buckskin shirt and pants, western hat, pipe in his mouth, and revolver stuck in the top of his pants. He holds a single shot rifle.  He is photographed in front of a rocky mountain scene. Image is by Wells and King, Denver.
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Eisenmann image of Buckskinner
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 04:18:06 pm »
This is an artfully done photograph of a man in a decorated buckskin or leather shirt. He has a black bandana around his next and tied in a bow. He is holding a single shot rife and wearing moccasins, and fringed pants. There is an identification on the back as "Capt. Jack Crawford" but I believe this is false. The image dates in the 1880-1890 period. 
Women Entertainers and Cowgirls / Large cabinet of San Francisco "Belle"
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 04:07:29 pm »
I was very excited to get this photograph. It is a wonderful image of a Victorian Era and Victorian dressed young lady with a single shot shotgun and Bowie knife. The image is IDed as Dodie Schroeder. It was taken by Chas. Lainer, Paris Panel, San Francisco, Cal. On the back it has written:  Fair, 1892, Mechanics Pavilion, S.F. She is quite and attractive girl. Condition is MINT and CLEAR.
Women Entertainers and Cowgirls / Woman wing shot
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 03:51:48 pm »
Two cabinet photos I believe taken in the same session (although the mounts are a bit different). She is in the same dress, has the same shotgun belt, and has the same shotgun. Both are taken by H. J. Godfrey, Santa Cruz, Cal. One mount simply says Elite while the other says Elite Photo Studio. They may have been taken at the same time but published at different times as the mounts were changed. At any rate, she holds a double barrel shotgun and evidently was a wing shot, probably shooting clay pigeons or glass balls in exposition. She is not identified. Images date circa 1895-1905, my guess.
Few collectors showcase the ladies but they were some of the best riders and best shots with shotgun, rifle, and pistol in the Western show era. I like them very much and buy them when I can. They have an honored place on this site.
Montana Territory / Livingston Cowboy
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 03:33:17 pm »
Studio cabinet photograph of a real Montana cowboy. The photographer is Geo. W. Potter, Livingston, Montana circa 1890-1900. He is not as dramatic as others but he is a real Montana, working cowboy. He has a Colt in a double loop holster and cartridge belt. He wears fringed gauntlets and high top cowboy boots. Livingston, Montana was where Calamity Jane died.
Indians / Ke Ki ou Kah ion
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 03:24:41 pm »
Here is another cabinet of the Indian that is next after this one. His Indian name is spelled phonically at the bottom and "Star".
Indians / Indian with bow and arrow
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 10:32:58 am »
There is no identification but my experience tells me this is an Indian used in one of those Snake Oil Shows up East. He is dressed in Eastern Indian costume. Decorated buckskin jacket with long fringe. Decorated long shirt with fringe. Western hat. He is holding a bow in his left hand and an arrow in his right hand. It is albumen and circa 1880s-1890. He looks very uncomfortable having the photo taken.
I just found his Indian name. It is Ke Ki ou Kah ion , Called "Star".
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Stagged "Joke" Cowboy in New York
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 04, 2022, 10:24:27 am »
Obviously staged cowboy cabinet card. Whoever the photographer was, he sure didn't know what a real cowboy looked like. What New Yorker ever did? He is wearing a cheap, checkered suite, has two Saturday Night specials in holsters (one turned BACKWARDS!), holding a .22 pump rifle, and wearing boots made more for a fireman than a cowboy. He is also wearing workman's gauntlets. Photo by R.G. Frank, Rochester, NY. Worth much less than most so don't pay much for these.

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