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Indians / Thomas Red Cloud (??)
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 05:40:17 pm »
Albumen cabinet photograph identified as Thos. Red Cloud . I have not been able to find out exactly who he was. However, he is definitely an Indian. He has on a very elaborate shirt and leather, fringed pants. He is wearing a beaded Indian bag and holds a single shot rifle. He has on soft Indian shoes and a wide brim hat. I am thinking he may have been a trick shot entertainer in one of the Wild West Shows but unknown.
Miscellaneous / Little Big Horn Memorial
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 05:24:04 pm »
Image taken in 1897 of the markers indicating where several of the soldiers were found after the Custer battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876. There is a lengthy description of the event and photo, much of which is sensationalism and nonsense. It is too lengthy to copy here. In the background you can see a photographer created shadow view of Bloody Knife, Sioux Indian, holding up a knife over the markers.  The description on the back portends it to be a real ghost image. "Seen more clearly than the eyes of man". Photograph is by Frank Purcell, Billings, Montana. 
Wild West Shows / Handicapped Trick Shooter
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 05:10:53 pm »
This is a very unusual cabinet photograph for its time. The image is sepia and dates in the 1890s. It was taken by Siegfreid Photographer, Quakertown, Pa. It is of a handicapped man with arm birth defects. Most of his arms are not there and no hands. However, he has devised a metal loop attached to the butt stock of his gun in order to hold it on his left arm. He has removed the trigger guard in order to fire it with his left arm. AMAZING! Inventive. He is dressed in a western shirt, leather, fringed pants, boots, and a western hat. He may have been with a Western Wild West Show. Really great and inspiring image. To bad he is not identified.
Wild West Shows / Member of a Cowboy Band after 1900
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 04:52:14 pm »
Unidentified Cowboy Band Member. In ink on the back is North Platte, Nebraska. He holds a clarinet. He is dressed in shotgun chaps, boots, a western shirt, and small brim western style hat. Photographer is Von Goetz, North Platte, Neb. It dates circa 1900-1910.  I would suggest it is not a Wild West Show Band.
Indians / Wa-Kan-O-ZHAN-ZHAN (Medicine Bottle)
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 04:42:16 pm »
1862 albumen CDV of Medicine Bottle. Under his name is noted: "Engaged in the Massacre of 1862. A prisoner at Fort Snelling, condemned to death". Image by Whitney's Gallery, Saint Paul. These are highly collected and hard to find these days.
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Just a nice, armed westerner
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 06, 2022, 04:30:47 pm »
Studio cabinet circa 1890s of a young westerner. The cloths and boots are definitely his. The guns may not be as may have been provided by the photographer. Who knows? However, it is basically irrelevant in this case. He has on a nice bib shirt, western hat and cartridge belt. He is holding s standard 1886 Winchester rifle made for many years in many calibers for hunting. He has a hunting knife in his belt. The image is by C. Fritz but location is not on the mount.  On the back is the man's name. JAMES D. LAMAR.
Historic Personalities / Frederick Wadsworth Loring
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 07:21:07 am »
Stereo of Fred Loring. He was an American journalist, novelist, and poet. He died in 1871. In 1871 he was sent by the "Appleton's Journal" as a correspondent on a cartographic expedition To Arizona.  He wrote several articles. He was also involved in several fights with Indians. The expedition's carriage was attacked by Yavapai Indians near Wickenburg, A.T. and he was killed. The stereo was taken 48 hours before he was killed by photographer O'Sullivan .  The mule's name was "Evil Merodach". It is a very rare stereo and does not have the photographer's mark. Condition is wonderful.
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Early 1860s Frontiersman
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 07:07:33 am »
This CDV is circa 1860s. In this time frame there was far less staging. I am certain the man is exactly what you see. He has on his buckskin coat and wears his shot bag and power flask. He is holding a percussion shotgun.
Armed Cowboys, Buck skinners and Scouts / Picture for Sis
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 07:01:03 am »
Washington State cabinet photograph of Cowboy, wearing his gun in a double loop holster and wearing shotgun chaps. Otherwise, he is dressed for town and to have his picture "took". On the back is: "A Merry Xmas and New Year is the wish of your brother. C.R. Fish".
Miscellaneous / Ft. Grant, Arizona stage
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 05, 2022, 06:48:51 am »
Large, horizonal cabinet photograph of the Civilian and mail stage out of Fort Grant, Arizona Territory in the 1880s. 4 mules pulling it. Driver and shotgun guard.  Image is by D.A. Markey, Fort Grant, Arizona. This is what, normally, a real stage coach looked like. Not like the ones in Hollywood movies. The were slow, dusty, bumpy and stiflingly HOT.
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