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Montana Territory / Captain James H. Mills
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 04:06:54 pm »
Very large format, frameable, photograph of Capt. James H. Mills. He is identified as the Pioneer Editor of Virginia City, Helena, and Deer Lodge, Montana (Newspapers). He was in Virginia City during the Vigilante era. This is a dark tinted image made to look like a painting, circa 1890s. Unique, one of a kind. Purely a guess but may have been made to hang in one of the newspapers he edited.
Wild West Shows / Mrs. Thad Sodders, London, 1903
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:58:48 pm »
Attractive young woman identified as Mrs. Thad Sodders, Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, London, 1903. It is part of the Jas E. Hunt series of very large cabinet style photographs shown in this section. I believe they were made for the entertainers themselves and not meant for the public. Therefore, they are Unique.  See "Unidentified Couple" for more information and thoughts. She rides an outstanding black horse with three white stockings. They are in front of a painted backdrop.  Although strange to us, I believe women were not suppose to smile in photographs.
Wild West Shows / Ed and Mary Phillips together, London, 1903.
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:51:42 pm »
Outstanding photograph of married couple Ed and Mary Phillips on their horses together in front of a painted background. Identified as Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, London, 1903.
Very large format. I believe this and others were meant to be framed and owned by these entertainers, not sold to the public and are therefore, Unique. Please see "Unidentified Couple" for more information and thoughts. She is beautiful but sad looking face.
Wild West Shows / Mrs. Mary Phillips, Ed's wife. London 1903
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:45:41 pm »
Very large cabinet style photograph by Jas. E. Hunt, London, England, dated on back as 1903. Also identified as Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, London. The beautiful girl is Mrs. Mary Phillips, wife of Cody Cowboy Ed Phillips. She is sitting side saddle on a fine, black horse in front of a painted background. I believe this and others were never meant for the public but were meant to be owned and framed for the entertainers shown. Unique image.
Wild West Shows / Ed H. Phillips, Jas. E. Hunt series
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:39:36 pm »
Very large cabinet type photograph by Jas. E. Hunt, London, England. Identified as Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, London, 1903. He is identified as Ed Phillips. He is wearing wholly chaps, a western shirt, and cowboy hat. He sits on his fine horse in front of a painted background. See "unidentified Couple" in this series for more information and my thoughts. Enjoy! 
Wild West Shows / Bill McCloud , Jas. E. Hunt series
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:22:19 pm »
Wonderful, large cabinet style image by Jas. E. Hunt, London, England. Identified as Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, 1903. He is identified on the back as Bill McCloud. Bill is in full western, cowboy clothing with a Colt SAA in a holster on his ride side. He rides a large, beautiful, pure white horse. I believe this and others in series were never meant for the public. They were meant to be framed and owned by the entertainers themselves. Therefore, they are Unique. See "Unknown Couple" listed in this section for more details and thoughts.
Wild West Shows / Jas. E. Hunt Series, Burns and Kirby
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:14:38 pm »
Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, London, 1903. Part of 7 images taken by Jas. E. Hunt, London, England. They are all very large and I believe meant to be framed by the entertainers rather than sold to the public. See "Unknown Couple" in this section for more information. This is the only photograph that has serious damage but both people can still be viewed well. It is identified on the back as Fred Burns and Mabel Kirby. She is mounted side saddle. He is in cowboy dressed with wholly chaps and bandana. It is a Unique image.
Wild West Shows / Unknown couple in London
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 14, 2022, 03:04:31 pm »
This image is from a series of 7 very large, mounted images of Buffalo Bill Cody Wild West Show entertainers, men and women, all mounted on horses. Most are identified on the back but this is the only one that is not identified. The photographer was Jas. E. Hunt, 141 Clarendon Road, North Kensington, London, England. The series is dated as 1903.  They are both on beautiful horses and she is riding side saddle. The background is a painted prop. I do not think this photograph or the others were ever meant to be sold to the public. I think they were for the entertainers themselves and meant to be framed. I bought them at auction and they got very little play in that most of the mounts are damaged. I was delighted to obtain them as they show a part of the Cody show and the horsemen/horsewomen that has not been shown in this manner. I think they are unique and historical. They needed to be preserved and enjoyed here by others.
Wild West Shows / Large photograph of the Cody Cowboy Band
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 11, 2022, 10:00:12 am »
A really large and clear photograph of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Cowboy Band around 1895-1900. Unlike the Dodge City Cowboy Band they are unarmed. There are no identification on the image front or back. The photograph was taken by J.D. Raney, St. Louis, Mo. Very rare image taken inside the main tent.
Historic Personalities / Capt. Jack Crawford, signed
« Last post by Emory Cantey on March 11, 2022, 09:44:52 am »
Large superior sized cabinet photograph of Capt. Jack Crawford, The Poet Scout. He has hand signed it.
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