Interesting theatre group/ western theme.

Interesting theatre group/ western theme.

Interesting theatre group/ western theme.
« on: February 06, 2022, 04:42:06 am »
I bought this image on the internet. It was described as having Doc Carver in the middle and identifying two other members as famous Wild West and law enforcement personalities. NONE of the three are represented here. I believe this is a group of theatre actors during a play about the American West. These were popular for many years.  No photographer's mark but I suspect it was taken in the North East.  Off my line but I believe well worth showing here as depicting entertainment in the period. ALSO, beware of a photograph identifying it containing known and/or famous men or women with no real documentation!  "identifying" based solely on the seller's comparing the person with a known image is NOT authenticating it. Most people see what hey WANT to see. Many of these dubious image are sold on the internet today.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2022, 04:46:31 am by Emory Cantey »

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