Fake Annie Oakley

Fake Annie Oakley

Fake Annie Oakley
« on: December 01, 2019, 07:30:42 am »
This is a really nice photograph of a Wild West Show woman trick shooter. She has a fringed shirt and holds a small caliber rifle. It is well worth owning in any collection such as this! Unfortunately, the front has been misidentified as Annie Oakley.  It is absolutely NOT ANNIE OAKLEY. The buyer must beware of these images sold on on-line auctions and internet sites. They come up all to frequently. This is a great example of the "seller" gilding the Lillie in order to cheat the unsuspecting buyer out of more money by identifying it as a more important person or subject matter.  This one is a REAL image. Some are out and out fakes reproduced by modern methods on old mounts after soaking the original image off and substituting a fake one.  These crooks are getting better and better. If in doubt, pass or ask someone you trust to help you. 

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